Thursday, September 3, 2009

Aiden James new On The Run music video

Aiden James' new ON THE RUN music video is awesome!

My First Blog

It's Thursday, September 3, 2009. I have decided to wade into a new (for me) electronic foray...blogging. I hope to put up for discussion things that are on my mind, share life moments, and forward causes that are dear to me and my partner Alan. These causes will most probably concern gay rights issues, gay tourism, a public option in the current health care reform legislation, Philadelphia governmental corruption, and the like. Will our posts be profound? I doubt it. You'll have to be the judge of that.

I'll share anedoctes regarding our two children, Meredith and Andrew, stories of the 'village' gatherings, and I may even give updates on the annual holiday planning (Christmas themes change frequently at our house and this year's theme for Christmas Dinner is 'A Night at the Opera'), and other useless bits of communication.

Today, Alan and I are so grateful to the 'village' (personal identities of 'village' members will present themselves) for their support to Alan in the loss of his 40 year old sister Janice this week. A tragic ending to a troubled life in which, if there is any form of 'afterlife', we hope that Janice finds some peace.

We celebrate the good time shared with Janice.